Friday 10 January 2014

Happy New Year

Blog update: Friday 10th January

Happy New Year:

We would firstly like to welcome you all into the New Year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break!

Thank you very much for all of our Christmas cards and gifts.

Open Evening:

Can we please remind parents/carers that our next Open Evening is on Thursday 30th January Timeslot tables are up in each room; please allocate yourselves with your child’s Key Person. If you cannot make the Open Evening but would still like to catch up with your child’s Key Person then please speak to them to arrange a suitable date/time.

ICT Area:

We are currently focusing on developing an Information and Communication Technology Area within the Nursery Rooms to support the children with their interests and learning within this area of development.

Could we please ask parents/carers to support us in resourcing this area by having a look at home or at work for any old unused equipment that you would be able to donate to us. For example; computer monitors, keyboards, mouse, cameras, telephones, mobile phones etc.

We would like to thank you in advance for your support with this.

Taylor’s Travels:

Some exciting news about Taylor within the nursery room she has decided to go off and explore Thailand. We will be very sad to see Taylor go but wish her much happiness for the future. Taylor's last day will be the 30th January. Cat will be taking over all of her key children; please do not hesitate to talk to Lucy the team leader within the room if you have any questions.

Peg pictures within the nursery room:

Please can we remind you to find your child’s peg picture together when you arrive at nursery in the morning? We are finding lots of parents do not do this and it proves difficult to know every child’s bag and coat. Also we would like you to remove the picture at the end of your child’s day to the board.

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