Monday 17 February 2014

Blog Update Monday 17th February:

New Staff members:


You may have noticed that we have a new member of staff within the nursery room, her name is Renee. Renee has a good knowledge of the role of a Nursery Practitioner; liaising with parents, planning activities and supporting children’s learning and development. She is looking forward to gaining a qualification in childcare in the near future.


We are pleased to announce that we also have a new member of staff joining our pre-school team on 3rd March. April has lots of experience in childcare, and is looking forward to sharing her knowledge with her new team. She has a level 4 qualification in childcare, and has experience of working with all age groups from babies to pre-school age.


Week commencing the 17th March, Sam (from the baby room) will be returning to us on a full time basis.


We have also recruited an apprentice who is due to start with us on 24th February. She’ll be spending time in all of the rooms, as part of her apprenticeship, learning about all age groups from babies to nursery, to pre-school and Cosmic Club – after school provision.

Millie has previously been on placement here, spending most of her time within the pre-school environment.

Toilet Training Bags:

The nursery room have recently introduced ‘Toilet Training Bags’ to support children through this crucial stage of development. These can be borrowed from the setting and returned on a weekly basis. Please ask the staff members in the Nursery Room should you require more details.

Chatter Packs:

The Nursery Room also have a Chatter Packs system in place which enables children and parents to borrow books from the setting. This system works really well within pre-school, but seems to have faded within the Nursery Room. Please feel free to provide the Nursery Room staff with feedback on this system, why you tend not to make use of it; books/stories inappropriate for the age group, positioning of the book rack etc?


Signing in/out:

Can we please remind our parents/carers to sign their children in/out of the setting as part of our procedure for safeguarding the children. If you are unsure of where the register is for each room, then please ask a member of staff who will be more than happy to help.

Dropping off before 8am:

Again, can we please remind our parents/carers, not to drop their children off at nursery/pre-school before 8 o’clock unless booked in beforehand. Our staffing changes from week to week based on how many children are booked in throughout the day in order to maintain the ratio of children/adults.

We appreciate your cooperation with this.

Louise and the team at Clover Court