Sunday 22 June 2014

World Cup Week

World Cup Week - Week commencing 23rd June:

We will be holding a World Cup Week next week, our lunch meals have been planned to focus on some of the countries competing in the World Cup, and we have also assigned a dress code to each country in relation to the colours in the flags:

Lunch Meal:
Dress code:
Hot dogs and buns
Red, Blue and white
Fish fingers, chips and mushy peas
Red and white
Red and yellow
Chilli con carne with rice
Blue, red and white
Spaghetti Bolognese
Red, green and white

Some of the activities which we have planned for the week include:

·         Practising our ball skills

·         Face painting

·         Colour differentiation

·         Making flags

·         Looking at maps

·         Music and culture

·         Mark-making

·         Contributing to displays

Louise and the team at Clover Court

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Clover Court Blog Update w/c 16th June 2014:

Practitioner Professional Development:
Here at Clover Court we like to encourage our practitioners to further their professional development by means of accessing further training and also by moving them within the rooms to provide them with experience of working with the full age range of 0-5 year olds that we cater for.

For this reason, we would like to inform you that Lorraine will be moving from the Baby Room into the Nursery Room, this will provide her with the opportunity to work within a larger team, and for her to develop her leadership skills as she completes her Level 4 NVQ.

Sam will be moving from the Nursery Room into Pre-school, this will provide her with the experience that she will need to complete her Foundation Degree which she will be starting in September. She will get to observe the children's development at this age and play a role in supporting their independence, self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as planning exciting learning opportunities.

On another note, Sarah in Nursery will also be starting the Foundation Degree in September, and Kelly. B will be finishing her BA Honours and starting an Early Years Teacher Status course.

Letters will be issued to those parents of children who's Key Person will be changing as a result of the room movements.

Term Dates:
For those of you who's children receive either the two-year-old free entitlement or the three-year-old free entitlement, the cut off date for this term is Friday 18th July.
The Autumn term begins on Monday 8th September and finishes on Friday 19th December, there is a half term period within this term, the week of the 27th October, where the free entitlement is not applicable.

Maternity Leave:
Kelly. C - As some of you may already be aware, it will be Kelly. C's last day with us on Friday 20th June, as she will be taking maternity leave. Kelly's baby boy is due on 19th July, we'll keep everybody posted as soon as he arrives! We would like to wish Kelly the very best of luck on her journey through to parenthood!

Kim - Kim has taken a year off on maternity leave, but will be returning to us on Monday 14th July. We look forward to having Kim back with us in the Baby Room.

Early Drop-offs:
Could we please remind parents not to drop their children off before their session start times unless this has been previously arranged. This is extremely important in order for us to maintain our ratios within our rooms for the safety of the children, and our staffing is arranged on the basis of pre-booked sessions.

Cosmic Club Open Evening:
For those of you who's children will be leaving us to attend 'big school' in September, we are holding an open evening over at our after-school club on Monday 30th June. This will provide you with an opportunity to have look around and meet the staff, if you require before/after school provision. We will send letters out  to all of our school leavers with further details and attendance slips.

Potty Training Bags:
Could we please remind our parents that if you have borrowed one of the potty training bags from the Nursery Room, that these are returned so that other parents can borrow them to support their children with this learning process.

Lost Property:
Please could we ask you to double check any girls pink cardigans, as one has been missing from pre-school for a week now. The details of the cardigan are:
  • cerise pink
  • has full sleeves
  • from Primark
  • aged 3-4
It does have a child's name written on the label. If found please return to pre-school.

Louise and the Team at Clover Court