Friday 31 May 2013

Clover Court Blog; week commencing 27th May:

Open Evening:

We would firstly like to say a huge thank you to those parents who made it along to our Open Evening which we held on Wednesday the 22nd May. We really appreciate your input into your children’s learning and development and it’s also great to have a bit more time to share with your child’s Key person. ‘Next Steps’ for your child’s learning and development are currently being completed by your child’s Key Person so you should receive a copy shortly.


We would like to comment on the effectiveness of our chatter-packs systems which have been implemented in both Nursery and Preschool. We have a selection of books available for you to borrow (just like the library). This selection will continue to grow.

Baby Room:

This week in baby room, we are really pleased with the progress that our new starters have been making. We would like to say a warm welcome to Jackson, Esme and Maisie! The babies have also enjoyed interacting with the toddlers this week as we have spent a lot of time playing together in the garden.

Nursery Room:

This week in nursery, we have been exploring different textures in the creative room, playing with flour, hair gel and dry spaghetti. We have also really enjoyed using different tools to paint with such as sponges and our fingers and hands!

We have enjoyed hunting for wiggly worms in our garden as the weather has been quite damp!

We have had a big spring clean in Nursery and have changed our learning environment around slightly, we hope you like it!


We have a lot of children that will be leaving preschool in September to go to ‘big school.’ For this reason, we will be incorporating activities into the next few weeks which will encourage the children to think about and discuss how they feel about moving up to ‘big school.’ We will be creating a role-play schools opportunity for example, and will talk about what schools we are going to and what colour uniforms we will be wearing etc in preparation for this transition.

We will also be supporting the younger children in our room with transitions that they may be experiencing in their lives; moving house, new babies etc.

Louise and the team at Clover Court

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