Thursday 4 April 2013

'Footprints in the Forest'

‘Footprints in the Forest’

Today, the children at Clover Court Pre-school went on an adventure to Ivy Cottage’s Forest School. Before we left, we made sure that everybody had been to the toilet to prevent any accidents whilst we were out, we then wrapped ourselves up as much as we possibly could in all our ‘winter’ finery, ready to brace the ‘spring’ weather. We made sure that all the children and the adults were fully equipped with the necessary tools that would guarantee a successful ‘bug hunt.’

We were ready, and all very excited indeed!

When we arrived, we set up camp in the middle of the forest and begun our exploration. A couple of our friends needed some reassurance as we were feeling a little bit scared and frightened of the forest, in particular the trees.

We soon discovered that most bugs use the big, heavy logs as their secret hiding places as the soil is nice and moist there. As a result of our highly skilled ‘bug hunting,’ we found lots of big, juicy worms, woodlice, beetles, and snails, and Jo was very impressed with her find of 5 baby newts!

Whilst investigating the natural environment, we also discovered the ‘Gruffalo’s Cave’, and came across some gigantic ‘Gruffalo footprints,’ which could easily have been mistaken for rabbit and foxes holes!

All aboard the ‘Tree Train’ for our mid-morning snack!

By this point we were all feeling a little bit sorry for ourselves as we were understandably getting a bit chilly, so we decided to start making tracks.

When we got back to pre-school, we discussed and evaluated our findings by compiling individual sticker charts. After lunch we drew pictures of our favourite bugs which we will use to create a display in Willow Room.

All in all, we’ve had a lovely day together, and the children have been very well behaved.

Photos of our adventure will be published shortly!


The Team at - Clover Court Pre-school

1 comment:

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